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Libero Canto

​Open lecture

vocal music

public lesson

2022Monday, August 29  19:00~21:00

Yokohama City Tsurumi Citizen Cultural Center

Salvia Hall 3F Music Hall

​ Attendance fee 1,000 yen Tuition fee 2,000 yen



lesson stance,

​ Classroom information, etc.



​Introducing the voices of some students



​ If you have any problems with your voice, consultation about lessons, etc.



​ I will present the results of the lesson on stage.


In Libero Canto

First, remove the bad habits of each person when singing.

And I will sing with the energy of breath that is naturally comfortable, without doing anything such as holding, supporting, holding, enthusiastic, aiming for sound or voice, which is common in classical vocal music.

By training the light and bright throat mechanism and freeing the body to work, rather than force, the song will be understood correctly and the singer's body will emerge.

Libero Canto Japan

The secretariat is located in Kugenuma, Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture.

We are working with LiberoCanto singing performers in New York, Vienna and Florence to develop this singing style.

It is summarized by Satoshi Hasegawa, who inherited from L. Szamosi and E. Szamosi.

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